vrijdag 24 september 2010

Chem trails

Jets carried out a massive chemtrail operation over the UK and Europe on September 1, 2010. Weather conditions were not right for the formation of H2O contrails on this day, so even the small trails left by planes probably contained particulates. The sky was already heavily scarred by 6:45am and within a couple of hours, the dissipated chemtrails had all but covered the sky, forming a dirty, milky haze. 

Dissipated chemtrails often resemble cirrus clouds, but are much lower and are not made up of ice crystals. Chemtrails are not contrails which are made up of condensed ice crystals at high altitudes and disperse within seconds. Chemtails contain particulate mass and can take up to several hours to dissipate. 

Government agencies deny the existence of chemtrails, but yet many patents exist for their use, and announced geoengineering plans outline their widespread use to manipulate weather and combat "global warming." 
Chemtrails "do not exist" mostly in the US, Canada, UK, France, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Mexico, Australia and New Zealand. 

On certain days satellite pictures show the massive extent of this operation which is on a global scale. 

The only countries that do not have any chemtrails are Cuba, North Korea and Iran. 

The prevailing theories behind the aerosol operation are: weather modification; ionization of the atmosphere for military purposes (HAARP); population control; and an inoculation program. Take your pick. Whatever it is, it is not being done openly, so one does have to wonder. 

According to one source: In several laboratory analyses, the composition of chemtrails was revealed: 1. Aluminum barium 
2. Aluminum Oxide 
3. Bacilli and Molds 
4. Pseudomonas Aeruginosa 
5. Pseudomonas Florescens 
6. Bacilli Amyloliquefaciens 
7. Streptomyces 
8. Enterobacteriaceae 
9. Serratia Marcscens 
10. Human white Blood Cells-A restrictor enzyme used in research labs to snip and combine DNA 11. Enterobacter Cloacal 
12. Other Bacilli and other toxic molds capable of producing heart disease and meningitis as well as acute upper respiratory and gastrointestinal distress. 
13. Carcinogen Zinc Cadmium Sulfide. 

Doesn't sound too healthy. Other reports have shown very elevated levels of aluminium and barium in the soil and water of areas that have been sprayed. 

Do you think your government wouldn't spray you? Think again.

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