Nasa prepares to bomb the moon
A friend asked me to forward her message!

Please have a look at the following links

CALLING ALL SPIRITUAL PEOPLE ACROSS THE EARTH: NASA has sent a rocket to impact the moon on October 9th…

For the Shamans and Dreamers, Astral Travelers, Remote viewers, Medicine People of all Cultures and Colors: Set your intention to do some shape-shifting and focus in our dreams, dreaming, dreamtime walking, to work on the deflection of such destruction of Grandmother moon who guides our ocean tides and has been linked with mother and grandmother stories for thousands of years, and our menses cycles were once aligned to the moon at its full stage meaning women were in harmony with each other.

To the Light Workers, Prayer Workers, Energy Healers, Reiki Masters etc: Help us do our unseen work and doing what your gifts are, by sending love and light, image and visualization and prayers to keep the moon safe with a white light shield…. call in all your spirit guides, spirit teachers, god, goddess, ancestral spirits, and your higher self to send the highest good for humanity in relationship to this selfish act.


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