woensdag 9 juni 2010

prayer of Ho'oponopono

Let Us Thank Dr. Emoto for the following share and prayer of Ho'oponopono...
Please share this note with your friends and contacts around the world.

Love to all,
Alexandra Barrett

My 16 year old son was in tears this morning about the devastation in the Gulf of Mexico.
I told him about how water responds to intention and suggested that we pray to the water itself.
Let us all suspend our hatred and anger for the moment and let the intention for healing arise.
This is what is most needed at this moment

Dr. Masaru Emoto's research reveals that water physically responds to emotions and communications. He sends this prayer.
With Our Love

To speak it with sincerity is powerful and humbling:

"Now let’s give energy of love and gratitude to the waters and all the living creatures in Mexico Gulf by praying like this:

To the water, whales, dolphins, pelicans, fishes, shellfishes, planktons, corals, algae and all creatures in our Gulf of Mexico

I apologize.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.

Masaru Emoto
May, 9th 2010"

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