There simply is NO excuse

I am suffering from a terrible attack of post-birthday blues today.
Sitting here on my own with a steaming cup of tea and scanning my past year, I am left with a feeling of total and utter sadness for all the dear friends I had to say goodbye to - forever.
And my heart goes out again to my dear fiend Patrick. "Darling" my daughter and I called him jokingly, because he was the only man who always consistantly called me "darling". He thought the world of me. At that time I was in my early fourties and him being 16 years my elder was not how I saw my "ideal dream relationship". So I pushed him away. He was polite but persitant :-) Over the years we managed to stay friends, much to the dislike of his new girlfriend.
We only say each other occasionaly but that did not matter. Our mutual love for Scotland and whisky proved a bond time nor place could break.
At the end of last year he collapsed of a stroke - ended up in hospital. A few weeks later "darling" left this world.
By that time my dad was already in hospital.
My dearest darling friends. The TIME we are to spend on this planed is limited.
The past few weeks I have talked about death a lot. I also have asked friends and patients that if they had a linited amount of time to live ... how they would spend it?
If you had a limited amount of time to live... what would you do?
One customer told me:
Wouldn't it be better if we would mourn before death? What I mean, is that we should embrace one another, as if it were our last day, to openly, earnestly, express the love we hold for that person.
It saddens me to see the lack of recognition we show to our families, friends, pets, etc, as if they do not exist. We, or the 'me' seems more important.
It is for this reason, that death seems so difficult. It reminds us that we have neglected, to love that person, as we would have wanted to. It is like a remaining 'guilt'.
Every single reaction I received talked albout Love - spending time with the people wa care about - enjoying nature - making love ...
Surprisingly no one told me thay would go out and buy a new car - attend a last business meeting - works harder and longer ...
Dear friends, we all --have a limited time to live, on this earth. Yes, we all die. Death is a certainty. We cannot avoid it.
Found this text on the Daily Motivator website:
Losing someone we love in this life serves to remind us that we ourselves will at some point pass away as well. We are reminded that we have a limited amount of time in which to love and live life to its fullest. Life is too short for feeling sorry for ourselves, becoming mired in worries, or even to be inactive. Life is meant to live, to be happy right now in this moment, to be present for all of life's offerings. Beauty and love and happiness are all around us, yet we can become so caught up in our day-to-day existence that life just passes us by. When we argue with someone, is it that important to be right? When we worry about our finances, are we being present to our loved ones? When we say to ourselves, maybe next year...? What if next year never comes? What if today were the only day you had? Would you live life differently?
~Nicole Nenninger
Please share with me: What if next year never comes? What if today were the only day you had? Would you live life differently?
I am so sorry for your losses, Annick. And I absolutely hear you about how we have a limited time here on this earth. Let's make the most of it!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWhat thought-provoking questions...
If you had a limited amount of time to live... what would you do?
I'm actually not sure how differently I would live. Probably stress less and live more. Have more time with friends and loved ones, love more, spend more time with the cats. Do the things I dream of doing, within the range of my resources. Fill the years with life, instead of life with years.
What if next year never comes? What if today were the only day you had? Would you live life differently?
Yes. I would stress less and meditate more. Devote more time for Me and the Divine, love more. Have more kittie cuddles, go out in the sun even though I have tons of work to do.
I wouldn't change much, but I would change. So why wait?