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Daily adventures of LadyAnnick, headmistress of the Mannaz school, teacher/trainer, therapist, organiser of fabulous workshops in Glastonbury, keeper of the Flame of Avalon, mother, daughter, crone ...
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A blood test to assess the risk of brain damage in vulnerable newborn babies could save lives and prevent disability, scientists say. The test, carried out on blood taken fr......om the umbilical... cord immediately after birth, measures its acidity (the pH level). Blood with a low pH (more acid) indicates a lack of oxygen at birth, which is the commonest cause of brain damage, cerebral palsy and death. Current guidelines suggest that measuring the pH level of umbilical cord blood is worthless as a predictor of how the baby will fare, because the association is inconsistent. But doctors based in Birmingham reviewed 51 studies involving almost 500,000 babies and found a low pH in the cord blood was strongly linked with serious outcomes.
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