Essence of Water
I am sorry things have been 'on the quiet side' for some time. Not that I have been lazing about. Rather on the contrary. I have been rather rushed off my feet.
For months we have been preparing for the visit of dr Masaru Emoto to Belgium.
He arrived last Thursday and the next day was one of the speakers at a scientific colloquium called:"Essence of Water" organised by us in co-operation with the University of Ghent.
Apart from dr Emoto there were really interesting lectures by Patrick Backx, Rotary International, Cees Kamp en Elmar Fuchs from Center of Excellence for Sustainable Water Technology - Wetsus, Nederland and Structural properties of water, by prof. K. Korotkov, University St-Petersburg, Russia.
I must say I was really touched by prof Korotkov and his approach to 'complementary Health'. He has taken Kirlian Photography to quite an different level!

"When we observe the play of light around human body, drop of water or crystal, we understand that everything in the world has interrelationship and any object - biological or inorganic - has its own inner energy. Understanding the fact that our life is not only material body and material existence but, first of all, it is energy, and therefore - Spirit, makes us have new attitude towards our everyday reality. When on real time we observe change of human biological field under influence of therapy, meditation, prayer, love, it makes us see the world round us with different eyes." Dr. Konstantin Korotkov
For months we have been preparing for the visit of dr Masaru Emoto to Belgium.
He arrived last Thursday and the next day was one of the speakers at a scientific colloquium called:"Essence of Water" organised by us in co-operation with the University of Ghent.
Apart from dr Emoto there were really interesting lectures by Patrick Backx, Rotary International, Cees Kamp en Elmar Fuchs from Center of Excellence for Sustainable Water Technology - Wetsus, Nederland and Structural properties of water, by prof. K. Korotkov, University St-Petersburg, Russia.
I must say I was really touched by prof Korotkov and his approach to 'complementary Health'. He has taken Kirlian Photography to quite an different level!
"When we observe the play of light around human body, drop of water or crystal, we understand that everything in the world has interrelationship and any object - biological or inorganic - has its own inner energy. Understanding the fact that our life is not only material body and material existence but, first of all, it is energy, and therefore - Spirit, makes us have new attitude towards our everyday reality. When on real time we observe change of human biological field under influence of therapy, meditation, prayer, love, it makes us see the world round us with different eyes." Dr. Konstantin Korotkov
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